Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 3

Today was probably the easiest so far, but the reason it was easy is because we did Arms and Shoulder weights today and the weights I have are not heavy enough. I forgot to go buy more. We only have 3 lbs and 8 lbs weights. So my husband used the 8 and I used the 3. I did feel the burn with some of the excercises but it wasn't to the point where I felt I was getting a great workout. So I'll be going to the store probably tomorrow to get some better weights. But the workout wasn't all bad today because we also had to the 15 min Abs Ripper X, and that killed!!! I know for sure my abs got a good beating today :).

Well as for the nutrition part of this, we decided yesterday to incoporate protein shakes. So we went to Sam's Club and got a big bag full! We also stocked up on some frozen veggies and fruit. But the protein shakes are great! I have heard from others that if you drink them either before or after your workouts you will not be as sore. Well we tried one last night for a snack and when I woke up this morning I actually wasn't as sore!!! So I am a big fan of the shakes now! We also are changing up our menu a bit because I actually had a hard time eatting all the food. Can you believe it?? So we don't have it perfected yet but we are going to start eatting smaller meals more times a day, instead of 3 meals a day! Today I had...
Breakfast - Protein shake w/ berries
Breakfast 2 - egg, slice of wheat bread
Lunch - 2 cups veg, egg, and string cheese
Snack - 1 oz almonds
Dinner - 2 cups veg, 6 oz turkey patty, string cheese
Snack - protein bar

All of that food equals a little less than 1500 cals. I was shocked when I added it all up but that is the calorie amount I need to be eatting so I'm good! :)

I'm still enjoying this!! I still had a lot of energy today and since I wasn't extremely sore I was able to get a lot of cleaning done! I told my mom I am not only going to get in shape but my house is going to be cleaner than it ever has been haha!

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