Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 4

Today's workout was Yoga, which you would think would be somewhat easy, but that is sooo wrong. It was very challenging! I was cursing some of the moves that he kept telling us to do haha! However, it was actually quite relaxing because it is slower paised and it allowed me to concentrate on my breathing. I felt very energized after this workout!! I am feeling a bit sore now. I just can't wait until I am stronger and can look as cool as they do doing all of those crazy moves!

I started to get sick of the diet today :( It's not really the food I am sick of I am just tired of steaming veggies and cooking meat. I just am tired after the workouts and the last thing I want to do is cook food and measure takes a lot of time. But I know it's improtant and will pay off in the long run. One of the reasons I'm doing all of this is to change my eatting lifestyle.

Well here is what I ate...

Breakfast - 3 oz turkey patty, egg, and 8 oz milk

Snack - 1 oz almonds

Lunch - 2 3 oz turkey patties, string cheese, slice of bread

Snack - 2 cups veggies

Dinner - 6 oz turkey patties, salad and cucumbers with 2 tsp ranch, slice of bread

Snack - string cheese, orange

One more day done!!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 3

Today was probably the easiest so far, but the reason it was easy is because we did Arms and Shoulder weights today and the weights I have are not heavy enough. I forgot to go buy more. We only have 3 lbs and 8 lbs weights. So my husband used the 8 and I used the 3. I did feel the burn with some of the excercises but it wasn't to the point where I felt I was getting a great workout. So I'll be going to the store probably tomorrow to get some better weights. But the workout wasn't all bad today because we also had to the 15 min Abs Ripper X, and that killed!!! I know for sure my abs got a good beating today :).

Well as for the nutrition part of this, we decided yesterday to incoporate protein shakes. So we went to Sam's Club and got a big bag full! We also stocked up on some frozen veggies and fruit. But the protein shakes are great! I have heard from others that if you drink them either before or after your workouts you will not be as sore. Well we tried one last night for a snack and when I woke up this morning I actually wasn't as sore!!! So I am a big fan of the shakes now! We also are changing up our menu a bit because I actually had a hard time eatting all the food. Can you believe it?? So we don't have it perfected yet but we are going to start eatting smaller meals more times a day, instead of 3 meals a day! Today I had...
Breakfast - Protein shake w/ berries
Breakfast 2 - egg, slice of wheat bread
Lunch - 2 cups veg, egg, and string cheese
Snack - 1 oz almonds
Dinner - 2 cups veg, 6 oz turkey patty, string cheese
Snack - protein bar

All of that food equals a little less than 1500 cals. I was shocked when I added it all up but that is the calorie amount I need to be eatting so I'm good! :)

I'm still enjoying this!! I still had a lot of energy today and since I wasn't extremely sore I was able to get a lot of cleaning done! I told my mom I am not only going to get in shape but my house is going to be cleaner than it ever has been haha!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 2: OUCH!!

Yes I am describing today as OUCH and more OUCH! So my husband and I started today off by getting up at 4:30 AM. ahhhh!!! I was bad and tried to convince him that we should do our workout tonight. I am so not a morning person. But he wouldn't let me be lazy. I'm so glad he is doing this with me because he is there the whole time motivating me. We did the Cardio workout today. I felt like it was an easier workout than yesterday but it still was hard. I actually felt like I could puke after we were done. (I am so out of shape haha). There were a lot of technique moves that I'm going to have to work on. I'm sure we looked pretty silly doing the workout haha! So yesterday after the workout I felt great and had a lot of energy. Today I still have energy but I'm in PAIN every time I move. But it's a good pain. My normal cleaning is just taking me a whole lot longer to do today!

So yesterday I was able to plan out our meals. We decided to keep it simple and eat pretty much the same things everyday. I know it's going to get boring but I figured we can do this for a few weeks until we are used to measuring and how many servings of each food group we should eat and then we will be able to change our menu up a bit!

My Menu
1 egg, 3 oz turkey patty, 8 oz milk and water

6 oz turkey patty, slice of bread, 1 oz cheese, 2 cups cooked veg

9 oz turkey patty or chicken, slice of bread, 2 cups veg, fruit

The diet P90x has you do at the beginning is very high in protein if you couldn't tell!

Even though I'm in pain I'm still enjoying this experience! I'm am just a little nervous to find out what my workout for tomorrow has in store for me!

Monday, January 17, 2011

P90X day 1!

I decided I wanted to start this blog to keep track of my journey with P90x. I am excited to start seeing results and feeling better. I am doing the Lean program for my first 90 days.

This morning I started the P90X workouts!! The first workout was Core Synergistics and it KICKED my BUTT!!! There were some parts that I couldn't do completely but for the most part I feel like it was a success! And I am feeling great and have more energy to get stuff done today.

For breakfast I had an egg, toast (with nothing on it), an orange, and a glass of milk.

Goals for today - make a schedule of meals I will eat for this week. Also make a water schedule (I need to be better about drinking water during the day).

I am also going to weigh myself every monday. I am not confident enough to post my weight on here but I will post how much I lost each week! I am setting a goal to loose at least 30-40 lbs in 90 days!

I'm motivated to keep kicking my butt every day!!!! Day 1 workout done, only 89 to go :)

Here we go!!